How to optimize an application for Android development


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Looking for ideas for Android apps to help improve user experience and usability? Optimizing your app can help you increase the revenue generated by CPA Lead Ads. Here are some proven techniques for Android application developers to optimize the usability of their applications.

Faster screens

Nothing is more frustrating for users than waiting for a screen to resolve. The ideal time for an application to render a screen is 16 milliseconds. How do Android app developers avoid slower rendering and avoid high churn rates?

Don't clutter up the screen. Focus only on what is essential to the user experience.

Upload priority items.

Provide access to cached application data to avoid delays caused by slow Internet connections.

Save screen layouts locally.

Here are some tools that can help Android app developers troubleshoot slow screen playback issues:

Hierarchy Viewer, a tool integrated with Android Device Monitor.

The GPU rendering of the profile shows a visual diagram of the time it took for the application to reach 16 milliseconds.

Reduce ANR

Another thing that will surely decrease user loyalty is ANR (Application Not Responding) errors. You can track ANRs to identify and resolve these issues using Android Vitals on the Google Play Console. Common ANR problems occur when the main thread is:

Perform a long calculation

Make a synchronous link call to another process that takes time to respond

Stuck waiting for another operation to complete on another thread

Neutral with another thread

Exercise a tight core

Android app developers use a series of core tests to assess the app's ability to run on various Android devices. The key measures refer to:

Visual design and interaction with the user


Compatibility, performance and stability


Test your applications against these criteria to ensure that your Android application not only meets these performance standards, but exceeds them.

Keep users on the app

Do not redirect users to other websites or applications. Once they are gone, they may not return, either because you have lost interest or because they are confused about how to return. This is particularly important to us at CPAlead, because if users leave the app before reading the ads, the traffic is not monetized to its full potential. So in almost all cases, design the application so that everything they need to know is in the application, and furthermore, the users want to stay in the application.

Simpler relationships

The general rule of thumb for organizing your app is that the simpler you can do it, the better. If users can't navigate the Android app immediately and intuitively, they probably won't take the time to find out. To determine how one category should naturally transition to another, use Entity Relationship Documents (ERDs) to determine the most effective interactions.

Use a basic design

Poor design not only looks ugly, it slows down the interface and drains your battery (see below). Poor design can also detract from your ad placement rather than draw attention to it.

Use a basic design structure whenever possible to reduce stress on the user's device. Reuse the layout for more functionality and add custom bars and buttons as needed. Common elements built into multiple application layouts can be individually extracted and managed. Another trick to reduce memory usage and improve rendering is to schedule your application to load design views only when needed.

Do not discharge the battery

Make sure the battery usage is not too high. Nobody wants an app that drains the battery. Some ways to prevent your app from draining excess battery include:

Reduce network calls

Avoid wakelock

Use GPS only if necessary

Run batch scheduling

No unnecessary elements

The objects consume memory, which affects the overall performance of the Android application. Reduce the load on the user's device and improve the app experience by removing unnecessary items. Using only the objects necessary for the application to function is the subject of any Android application development optimization.


Created by:

Michael Kelley

Content Strategist at Fueled

Michael is a professional technology writer and content strategist with a background in application development. He specializes in the design of applications for Android and iOS, as well as blockchain and dapp technology.


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